All Episodes

June 24, 2024 42 mins
MORNING HACK- If you overdo it this weekend and end up with heartburn, try THIS instead of antacids. It's natural and you have it in your house right now. RYAN'S ROSES- Ryan’s Roses…Have you ever printed something to the wrong printer? Well this woman’s husband did and it may end up being the biggest mistake of his life. OR…it’s a misunderstanding.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
From Hollywood to you.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Thank you for listening to us.

Speaker 1 (00:03):
Ryan Air on Air with a Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 3 (00:09):
Good morning.

Speaker 4 (00:10):
Are you on your way to the airport this morning
or maybe coming in from an early flight so tidy.
I want to ask you about this because you travel
with kids, and I know my sister travels with Flora.

Speaker 5 (00:21):

Speaker 3 (00:22):
If if your.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Kids on a flight make crumbs on the floor, do
you clean them up or do you wait for the
cleaning crew of the plane to clean them?

Speaker 3 (00:32):
Now clean?

Speaker 6 (00:33):
Michael and I are so embarrassed if our kids make
any mess, or if they're loud, or if they're inappropriate
in any way, and I go above and beyond to
make sure that we don't leave a mess behind at restaurants,
on an airline or wherever, a movie theater, you name it.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
So is a baseball player that posted this?

Speaker 6 (00:50):
Yeah, it was a Toronto Blue Jays baseball player that
posted this. It went viral instantly because up in arms,
and I think he posted it thinking everyone's going to
have his side.

Speaker 7 (00:58):
My favorite part of this story is he's like, everyone's
gonna be like shocked that this flight attendant made us
pick up the popcorn, and everybody, you're entitled.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
Dude, so not so much.

Speaker 6 (01:10):
Yeah, they did not have his side, and then they
are basically saying, like, yo, you've made this huge mess,
like you shouldn't you shouldn't have made this.

Speaker 4 (01:18):
Happened his kid spilled popcorn or had crumbs on the floor,
and then the flight attendant asked him or his wife.

Speaker 3 (01:24):
To pick it up.

Speaker 6 (01:26):
Ask the wife, I don't actually know if he was
on the flight.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
Okay, he was not on the flight, so asked his
wife to pick it up.

Speaker 6 (01:32):
Yeah, and she's twenty two weeks pregnant, so you know,
you're quite pregnant at that time. And I'm assuming now
this is what her third maybe kid years old.

Speaker 4 (01:40):
The popcorn in the photo that I have, it's a
lot of pop It is a.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
Lot of.

Speaker 6 (01:45):
Yes TACKI like, I wouldn't leave a mess like that period.
I would at least try to like gather as much
as I could, or even like at least say something
to the flight and like, hey, I'm so sorry, like
we we cleaned up as much as we could, or right,
do you have something that we can put this in,
like a bag that we can clean it up? Like
help at least, but like just to try to walk

out and leave that mess is bad. But I don't
know how the conversation happened, right, And I also think that, like,
I don't like the flight attendant coming to her and
being like, you need to clean that up.

Speaker 3 (02:17):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (02:17):
That must have been awkward as well, So I recommend
you don't fly with me or near me. I tend
to accidentally clutch things all the time. I tend to
spill things, especially if it's something I really want. I
end up dropping it on the floor somehow, it like
slips out of my hands. Now obviously I'll pick it up,
but I have a tendency to be not messy, but clutch.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
I know you mean a crumber two is not that
big of a deal.

Speaker 6 (02:41):
Like Michael's the same way when he eats popcorn, Like
he gets a whole handful and it just like gets
all over the place.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
I'm like, do you not see that it all spilled everywhere?

Speaker 3 (02:50):
Etiquette expert chimed it.

Speaker 2 (02:52):

Speaker 6 (02:52):
An etiquette expert chimed in who was a former flight attendant,
by the way, and said that it was inappropriate for
the flight attendant to ask a passenger to clean up
after them, especially if the Airline was the one that
provided the popcorn to begin with.

Speaker 7 (03:04):
It comes a little bit with the territory, you know
what I mean, Like you are going to make a
little bit of a mess. Like sometimes you know, they
come by and they ask if you have some throw
at You might not have finished your drink, so you
put it in the thing and they don't come back again.

Speaker 8 (03:15):
You know, Like you do have a little bit of
a message you.

Speaker 3 (03:17):
Can put in a thing the seat.

Speaker 7 (03:18):
Yeah, like at that seat in front of you or whatever.
So I get it, but I feel like there's a
line and I.

Speaker 6 (03:24):
Just yeah, you can't just destroy the eye, like leave
just a bunch.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
But I've seen that before.

Speaker 7 (03:30):
I've like walked off a plane and like looked into
some seats and just seen a total tornado go through.
And it's just like so crazy to.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
Me while we're on it.

Speaker 4 (03:38):
How about and you know who you are, you don't
put your weight back at the gym?

Speaker 3 (03:43):
How about yeah, I just stuff away?

Speaker 2 (03:45):
I know what you mean.

Speaker 4 (03:46):
You don't put the weight back on the rack, or
you don't clear the squat weight from the barn.

Speaker 7 (03:53):
And nobody cleans their own equipment like they're supposed to.

Speaker 3 (03:57):
You mean sanitize.

Speaker 4 (03:58):
Yeah, yeah, I don't know what the sanitize, but I
just am like baffled by it. How many times I'll
see stuff just laying out and not put back and
I can't.

Speaker 3 (04:06):
I mean, that's a lot of work.

Speaker 6 (04:07):
It's returning your shopping car after you go to the
grocery store.

Speaker 2 (04:12):
Just stuff like that.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
Man A right, Max, good morning. How are you in Fullerton?

Speaker 9 (04:18):
Hey? I'm doing great.

Speaker 10 (04:19):
How you doing good? Bro?

Speaker 4 (04:20):
So you need some advice here? Well you've come to us, Okay,
go ahead, what you got?

Speaker 9 (04:26):
All right?

Speaker 11 (04:27):
So I just wonder if I should tell my I
have a new girlfriend, and I wonder if I should
tell her that I cheated in the past.

Speaker 9 (04:33):
With other girls. Okay, no, so hear me up.

Speaker 12 (04:37):
We've been we've been together about three months in the past.
I'm not you know, I'm not super proud of this.
But like in high school, I cheated, you know. And
then I had a girlfriend when I was like twenty
I cheated on her.

Speaker 11 (04:51):
And then towards the end of the relationship. But then
but then when I was twenty two, I went to
New York and I cheated on my girlfriend there.

Speaker 9 (04:57):
It was like she never.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
Found that what's your problem with the che You're a
serial cheater?

Speaker 3 (05:01):
What's the deal?

Speaker 11 (05:03):
So I think that I think I figured it out
and I think I might have fixed it. When I
was growing up, my parents told me that I was
like the greatest thing in the world and how incredible
I was, And I think that I believed that I
could get away with anything, and honestly, I kind of did.
But and I now and I realized how messed up
that is in that So your.

Speaker 3 (05:22):
Parents are the reason you cheat.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
Don't blame your parents.

Speaker 3 (05:26):
Max, here's the deal.

Speaker 8 (05:26):
He's not blaming. He's just saying he's self aware.

Speaker 7 (05:28):
He's realizing what the root cause of his cheating habits
by blaming his parents.

Speaker 4 (05:32):
Max, appreciate the candor. Here here's the way I look
at it. You need to just fix it, Like telling
her is not gonna do anything but put it in
her mind.

Speaker 3 (05:41):
You just need to not do it.

Speaker 4 (05:42):
So I don't suggest you say, hey, I cheated three
times with other women, because that's going to be what
she thinks about all the time. But what you need
to do is fix it so that you don't do it.

Speaker 6 (05:53):
But has she asked you about your past relationships and
how they ended, no, okay, then we're good.

Speaker 9 (06:01):
Max, thank you very much, thank you so much.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
Good luck.

Speaker 4 (06:07):
You can't if once he says, I did that three times,
that's in your head and that's going to change the relationship.
He just needs to fix it. Sleep is just as
important as a healthy eating plan, uh what else? As
healthy good exercise and one of the ways that we
were all taught as kids to fall asleep before phones,

before all the different devices. If you can't fall asleep
at night, count sheep, not mongoose, not puma. But now
I guess they're saying, no, don't count sheep.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
Sleep experts say no, absolutely not. It doesn't work.

Speaker 6 (06:47):
It might even take longer to finally rest if you
count sheep.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
So why this breaking news?

Speaker 9 (06:53):

Speaker 3 (06:53):
What happened?

Speaker 6 (06:55):
Basically, what you're supposed to do is go on a
mental walk if you're having a restless time going to bed.
So if you're sitting there tossing and turning, and I
think we've all been there, right, your mind is racing
and you can't fall asleep. I tried this last night,
you guys, and let me tell you it worked.

Speaker 3 (07:14):
What did you do on a mental head?

Speaker 6 (07:16):
So this is what you do you're supposed to think
about a walk that you know very well?

Speaker 7 (07:21):
Okay, actually go on the walk mental walk around?

Speaker 8 (07:26):
I thought, you mean, just like for your mental peace,
go on a walk.

Speaker 2 (07:30):
Help this child.

Speaker 7 (07:32):
I was like, well, that sounds counter to getting out
of bed, getting your.

Speaker 8 (07:34):
Feet cold, walking around the house.

Speaker 2 (07:36):
What a mental mental walk?

Speaker 9 (07:39):
All right?

Speaker 3 (07:39):
So you have to picture it, so you take your
mind out of all.

Speaker 2 (07:41):
Those you're laying there.

Speaker 6 (07:42):
It's almost like meditation, right, So you you visualize it,
but it has to be very detail oriented. You have
to picture yourself leaving the house, locking the door, walking
down your steps, going down you like, really leaving your house.
So I I kid you not. I was so detailed
with my walk. I barely made it down my street

and I was already asleep.

Speaker 2 (08:07):
So I was trying on my mental walk.

Speaker 6 (08:08):
I was trying to get down my street and go
into this little like hiking drop on my house that like,
I know very well. And I didn't even make it
down my street before I was asleep, So I was
very impressive.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
I was like, so when I woke up this morning,
and I was like, oh my god.

Speaker 3 (08:22):
It worked. It worked.

Speaker 4 (08:23):
So wait, so could I forget lee mask? Could I
just automatically, you know, zap myself to the beach.

Speaker 1 (08:30):

Speaker 6 (08:30):
So if you love walking the board walk or the
strand in Manhattan Beach or like wherever, like wherever your
great place that you love to walk, running canyon you
know once you park, like you know, like your place
that you love, that is your mental walk.

Speaker 4 (08:44):
What if I'm out on my walk and I passed
Tups mentally like he's out on a walk too, would
that be weird? I don't know whatever from startle you
wake you guys, you're on a walk at the same
time because you can't sleep, fine.

Speaker 8 (08:58):
I wonder if there's like a dog barking, like, well,
you have to.

Speaker 4 (09:01):
I guess you kind of got to control your thoughts
a little bit is a little bit. Yeah, I think
it's a great idea. I'm gonna try it. And there
are also those walks that, like when you're on the tremmill,
they show you those videos of a walk around. Yeah,
maturing those my work too.

Speaker 2 (09:16):
Uh huh. It was so nice. I had a great sleep.

Speaker 3 (09:19):
I slept so well.

Speaker 2 (09:20):
I didn't want to wake up this morning.

Speaker 4 (09:23):
I didn't want to come to work. I slept so well,
I didn't well, I have a shorter walk. Do you
get acid reflux and heartburn?

Speaker 2 (09:30):
The same thing?

Speaker 4 (09:30):
A little burn right there in the ESOPHA guy, just
have too much something acidic? You must get it tubbs,
Yeah I do. Onions does it?

Speaker 2 (09:40):

Speaker 3 (09:41):
I see how that could do it?

Speaker 9 (09:42):

Speaker 4 (09:43):
Yeah, but it's also it's also a combination of things too,
like it could be the sum of all acidic parts. Anyway,
they say, instead of taking you know, an ant acid,
honey will do it. A coat of honey on your esophagus,
kind of like it does your throat. It coats the
esophagus to shield it from stomach acid and pushes it
back down and its healing properties treat damage throat tissue.

Who this is a this is a great public service.
Honey to push it down. It makes sense.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
It coats it right, coats the tissue.

Speaker 2 (10:11):
I like that. Okay, today's quote here we go.

Speaker 4 (10:16):
How your life feels is more important than how it looks,
so feeling versus optics.

Speaker 6 (10:23):
This FM headlines with well, A three point two magnitude
earthquake rattled the Highland Park area shortly after five am
this morning. More than a dozen passengers had to be
rescued when an amusement park ride got stuck in midair.
Last night at Conejo Valley Days in Thousand Oaks. The
Snow White Cafe, a Disney themed restaurant on Hollywood Boulevard,

closed after more than seventy five years in business, and
Taylor Swift brought her boyfriend Travis Kelcey on stage at
her latest Eras tour show at Wembley Stadium in London.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
On air with a Ryan Seacret.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
So, I saw you squinting at the coll screen there.

Speaker 6 (11:03):
Yeah, because I'm trying to really dissect what it's saying.
And now I get it. My boyfriend's friends girlfriend right.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
My boyfriend?

Speaker 4 (11:11):
Okay, so I have a boyfriend, right, She's saying, let's
get Stephanie on the line.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
I need to write.

Speaker 4 (11:17):
I actually have to write stuff down like it does.
Draw a picture.

Speaker 2 (11:21):
There's my friend and that friend.

Speaker 4 (11:23):
I'm going to figures, okay here, okay, uh, Stephanie, I'm
drawing stick figures now so I can understand the issue.

Speaker 10 (11:28):

Speaker 3 (11:29):
Hi, So I have a stick figure of you and
your boyfriend. Now, who else?

Speaker 2 (11:35):
My boyfriend's friend, your boyfriend's friends. Okay, that's rather dude.
I got here for that guy.

Speaker 13 (11:39):
And he has a girlfriend.

Speaker 2 (11:41):
They live together, okay, and that's the girls.

Speaker 13 (11:44):
My boyfriend is really close with this friend, right, they've
known each other for like over twenty years. We go
over their house for gathering, usually about you know, ten
people or less. And every time we go over and
the girlfriend gets a little tipsy and buzz she starts
being very flurredy with the guys, and she she doesn't

take boobs, so she starts, you know, kind of showing
off her boobs and very touchy, touchy and almost to
the point that it makes me uncomfortable. So I just
I hate going over because it's the same thing all
the time, and I just I feel bad one because
she's drawing this attention to herself. But then also like

she just has no boundaries. And even though I'm around,
and you know, the girls are around with their boyfriends, like,
she still does this.

Speaker 5 (12:32):
So what do you guys think?

Speaker 4 (12:36):
First of all, let me shows Sistan and Tanya in
my picture of us, okay, because we have to draw them.
Understand that sometimes our brains don't work fast, all right,
So Stephanie, boy, have you said this to your boyfriend
so he could say something to his friend no.

Speaker 10 (12:51):
No, because it's fine.

Speaker 13 (12:52):
You know, he's oblivious. He's buzzed and drunk too, so
he doesn't even notice that his girlfriend is doing all this.

Speaker 3 (12:58):
And is your boyfriend oblivious or does see cauld he
feel it?

Speaker 13 (13:02):
I think you can feel it because you know, if
she's like bouncing around like he notices for sure, But
does he.

Speaker 4 (13:09):
Notice and then look guilty at you?

Speaker 9 (13:12):

Speaker 13 (13:12):
No, no, no. But like if I'm not in the
room and I notice it, like you know, see if
he's looking or whatever and he looks, yeah.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
What do you mean she's like showing off her boobs?
Like what is she doing? She's flashing the guys?

Speaker 13 (13:24):
No, but like if there's a song playing and she
has like a tank top and she's like just bouncing,
you know, like she's bouncing to the music, but she's
bouncing her boobs like in front of the guys and stuff.

Speaker 4 (13:36):
Well, I mean the only way to deal with this
is to say to your boyfriend, Hey, this is happening
and I'm uncomfortable, right, I mean, how else are you
going to do it? You don't really want to beat
around the bush on this. You kind of want to
just say, look, not your fault. Boyfriend, but like, I
don't love it when she parades herself around.

Speaker 13 (13:55):
Yeah, and the whole touchy touchy thing, Like I didn't
much comfortable with her hugging you, especially when she's drunk,
because she doesn't have, you know, obviously a moral compass,
and so.

Speaker 4 (14:06):
You don't want to hang out. Like it makes you
not want to hang out, I think. Just say it
to your boyfriend. He's kinda I mean, he's going to
get it. He's going to get it mm hm.

Speaker 6 (14:15):
And you guys just slowly stop hanging out with them
or when you are together. He needs to say something.
If she starts getting close to him, he just needs
to kind of push her.

Speaker 13 (14:23):
Off, right, Okay, just to see what you guys thought
it if I was being crazy here or.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
No, you're not crazy. If you feel this way, that's
your feeling.

Speaker 4 (14:32):
You feel uncomfortable, And it's clearly like she's doing when
she's drunk, and it's not cool.

Speaker 3 (14:36):
And she probably knows what she's doing.

Speaker 5 (14:39):
When she's not like drinking.

Speaker 14 (14:41):
She's just very you know, Uh, she's definitely.

Speaker 13 (14:46):
Not that for sure.

Speaker 4 (14:47):
Well, let's talk to your boyfriend about it. He's going
to get It's anythings I'm glad you called, thank you
for asking. Okay, bye twenty two cents.

Speaker 6 (14:58):
I feel for her right because it's deeper than this.
The reason she's doing this is obviously.

Speaker 4 (15:04):
For like, which what are we feeling for the friend's girlfriend,
the girl at the boobs?

Speaker 3 (15:11):
You feel for her because something's not comfortable there.

Speaker 4 (15:15):
Yeah, on air with Ryan Seacrest, now Ciciny, there's a
co sleeping trend. Before we get into Ryan's roses, it's
got a bunch of people talking on TikTok.

Speaker 3 (15:29):
What is it.

Speaker 6 (15:29):
It's called the Scandinavian sleep method, and they say it
could save your relationship, it could save your marriage. Some
couples are swearing by this sleep method to help them
get better sleep if their partner hogs the blanket all night. Boy,
So if you're someone that sleeps with somebody that always

pulls the cover. It happens to me every now and
then with Michael, and it's not like every single night.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
But maybe we could benefit from this.

Speaker 4 (15:59):
Our are like full strength escalates. Yeah, like one tug,
then it's a deeper tug. Then it's like a feisty tug.
I'm my gosh, this a competition exactly.

Speaker 6 (16:09):
It just depends on the night maybe, but they say,
what you do is you put two twin blankets on
the bed as opposed to having one big, king sized.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
Duvet or you know, they're not connected. They're not connected.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
Great idea.

Speaker 6 (16:24):
Each person has their own twin blanket, and that's been
the game changer by a lot of people that have
done this method. They're saying ten out of ten highly
recommend this. Sharing a blanket, I guess leads to more
wake ups during the night, or one partner taking the
whole comforter for themselves, et cetera, et cetera.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
So this is a better, I think option than a
sleep divorce.

Speaker 6 (16:47):
We've heard about that in the past, where somebody goes
and sleeps in a different bedroom or guest room.

Speaker 4 (16:50):
Anytime use the word divorce right feel good. It feels
too dark, it feels.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
Too drastic, exactly.

Speaker 6 (16:57):
So I think this is less drastic and maybe give
it a try if you're struggling with your partner at night.

Speaker 3 (17:03):
With great idea.

Speaker 2 (17:04):
Yeah, I thought I.

Speaker 4 (17:05):
Was to tell you, like I sometimes someone will pull
the pull back and I'm like really, and then I
grunt and pull yeah, and then it's like, is this
it's like tug.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
Of Ford Field day seventh grade.

Speaker 6 (17:16):
I know, but you see that's the difference between you
and I. Like you and I are similar, like we
I don't like to cuddle, So to me, it's like
whereas I guess other people might just cuddle with their partner.
You think I like to cuddle, I said, we don't
like to cuddle. You and I do not like that, Yeah, exactly.
So I would prefer to have my own space, my
own blanket, versus like if you were just cold, somebody
else will probably just cuddle up with their partner.

Speaker 3 (17:38):
And by the way, the only color here we all
know is.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Tanya, oh and tubs. I guess.

Speaker 4 (17:45):
One on two point seven Kiss FM, we do Ryan's
Roses calls Mondays and Thursdays, and here we go. This
one says, I think my husband accidentally printed a hotel
confirmation to the wrong printer, and I saw hotel confirmation
meaning was he going to stay in the hotel with
somebody else? It was for a romantic hotel in Scottsdale.

He goes to Phoenix a lot, but always stays downtown.
I mean certain hotels, you know, to be hotels where
they promote live oh right, no, yeah, they promote romance,
they promote uh, intimacy.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
Right a couple of hotels.

Speaker 4 (18:24):
I've been to a hotel where I come back and
they put bubbles in the top.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
Oh my god, happened They.

Speaker 6 (18:30):
Put in the town that happened to my sister and
I once and they put rose petals on the bed
for us.

Speaker 3 (18:35):
We look like, what do I do now? I am
just eight and am not in the mood.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
For a bath. But then you got it, didn't you?

Speaker 4 (18:45):
Yeah, sure did. Someone took the time to come in
and draw the bath.

Speaker 2 (18:49):
And then bubble it up, and you're like, oh, this
is I.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
Got in there. We took turns.

Speaker 8 (18:55):
I think it' you're supposed to go in there together?

Speaker 3 (19:00):
That all right?

Speaker 4 (19:01):
So anyway, I want to get to this though. On
a serious note, Esmeralda, is who's on the line here
in North Raids. Let's find out what happened, Esmeralda. Thank
you for coming on with us.

Speaker 5 (19:11):
Yeah, thank you for having me on.

Speaker 4 (19:12):
Yeah, absolutely so, Esmeralda. I mean, I don't I'm trying
to figure out how it could have been a mistake.

Speaker 3 (19:19):
What do you think?

Speaker 4 (19:20):
Like to me, it makes sense if he's going these
trips to Phoenix and he's going to Scottsdale a romantic hotel. Yeah,
I'm worried, But what do you think the mistake.

Speaker 3 (19:27):
Could have been?

Speaker 5 (19:29):
Well, what it is is that I was working at
a computer when our printer in there started acting up.
It actually kind of startled me, and then I noticed
that a hotel confirmation came out. And I knew that
he was going to Phoenix for work that weekend, but
when I actually looked at the confirmation, it looked like
he booked a casita at a place called the Royal

Palms Resort and spa in Scottsdale. Just pretty random.

Speaker 4 (19:55):
I yeah, they definitely draw the bath in a casita,
sounds nice.

Speaker 5 (20:01):
I was just trying to process that, and as he
came running around the corner kind of like he was
trying to get ahead of me before I saw it.
So I asked him straight out, like what is this hotel?
Because the thing is he always stays at the Hilton Downtown,
and he just gave me sort of some nonsense about
how they were booked. So he went ahead and chose

this one because it looks nice and they have a spa,
and he said he needs a massage, YadA, YadA, just
like a bunch of mine. Bottom line is he was
clearly working in his office and meant to print it
to his office printer, not the printer that is in
the den where I was.

Speaker 4 (20:42):
God, it's still risky, yeah, printing it anyway at Dallas.

Speaker 3 (20:48):
Right an idea.

Speaker 6 (20:49):
I feel like it's not going to make sense if
we offer him roses because it sounds like whoever he
might be hooking up with lives in Scottsdale. So if
we're a local rose or a flower shop, you're in LA.
You know, maybe what if I what if I say
that I'm calling from the hotel and he left something

behind and we.

Speaker 2 (21:12):
Want to try to return it to him.

Speaker 3 (21:14):
That you're calling from the hotel. We've done a version
of that.

Speaker 4 (21:17):
Right, Yeah, I think hotels.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
Yeah, I think that works.

Speaker 6 (21:23):
And I can make it like women's stuff, specifically earring right, earring,
maybe undergarments, I don't.

Speaker 4 (21:29):
Know, maybe an earring because that's more value. Would you
be calling about undergo.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
To make it back and make it back? Makeup bag?

Speaker 1 (21:37):

Speaker 4 (21:37):
I feel like a piece of jewelry wouldn't mean like
it would be legit. Yes, some jewelry yeah, okay, let's
go with jewelry. I like that is MARTI. Did you
hear all that.

Speaker 10 (21:46):
I did?

Speaker 3 (21:47):
Yeah, okay, that's what we're going to do.

Speaker 4 (21:49):
I just need you to say before we call your
husband now about this, Ryan, you have my permission to call,
and then his name on Kiss FM.

Speaker 5 (21:54):
Go ahead, Ryan, you have my permission to call.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
We're going to do that right now. Be very quiet.
Let's see we can find out. Good luck.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
Okay, thank you so much.

Speaker 9 (22:18):

Speaker 2 (22:19):
Hi is this James.

Speaker 9 (22:21):

Speaker 2 (22:22):
Hi James, my name is Tracy.

Speaker 6 (22:24):
I'm calling from the Royal Palms Resort in SPA in Scottsdale.

Speaker 2 (22:30):
Are you there, James?

Speaker 1 (22:31):

Speaker 6 (22:31):
I'm calling because some items were left in your room.
Actually you just stayed with us, and I wanted to
confirm your shipping address to send them back to you.

Speaker 9 (22:41):
Wait, I left some things.

Speaker 4 (22:42):
In the room.

Speaker 6 (22:43):
Yeah, specifically there was some jewelry. Actually, so there was
earrings left behind and actually a makeup bag and it
pleas be like women's earrings and makeup bag.

Speaker 2 (22:55):
So if you want to me, I can send that
back to you.

Speaker 6 (22:58):
Housekeeping found it. They're like dangly diamond earrings. They seem expensive.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
Are you there?

Speaker 6 (23:10):

Speaker 9 (23:12):
Uh, what room did you find me?

Speaker 2 (23:14):
Then they were in the room that you were staying in.

Speaker 6 (23:17):
I can put them in a box and ship them
to you, or if you live in the area, you
can come by and pick them up, whatever's easier.

Speaker 9 (23:27):
No, no, don't worry about it. Just just throw it out,
throw it all out.

Speaker 6 (23:30):
Are you sure these look like really nice earrings? They
seem expensive.

Speaker 9 (23:37):
Nope, just throw it away or keep it for yourself.
I really don't care. Thanks for calling.

Speaker 3 (23:41):
Are you sure?

Speaker 2 (23:42):

Speaker 4 (23:42):
No, James, James, your voice is being broadcast on the radio.
I need you to understand that. And I've got your wife,
Esmaralda on the line. Why wouldn't you want to get
her earring back?

Speaker 9 (23:53):
Oh? I had a feeling this was some kind of prank.

Speaker 3 (23:56):
What's going on, James.

Speaker 4 (23:59):
There's an ear ring left behind at the hotel. Wouldn't
you want to get it back for your wife?

Speaker 9 (24:06):
No? I don't know what you're talking about.

Speaker 3 (24:09):
So I'm going to bring in your wife.

Speaker 4 (24:12):
As Marealda, she received a printed hotel confirmation to the
wrong printer about a romantic hotel stay in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Speaker 3 (24:20):
Does that ring a bell?

Speaker 9 (24:24):
Uh? Yeah, I guess so. I mean I told her
that the regular hotel was booked and this one seemed nice.

Speaker 3 (24:31):
Who's her?

Speaker 9 (24:35):
My wife? As Mirelda?

Speaker 5 (24:37):
James, you printed it to the wrong computer, and then
you came racing into the room, remember to grab it
before I could see it. I mean, why don't he
explain it to me? I mean, you seem very nervous.

Speaker 9 (24:50):
That's not what happened. I just came out to get it.
I wasn't racing, James.

Speaker 3 (24:57):
I gotta just hurry up and level out with you here.

Speaker 4 (24:59):
You hesitated and froze when Sysney brought all this up
about an ear ring, right, and under any normal circumstance,
if it wasn't yours, or if you weren't there, you
would have just said sorry, not us, not me.

Speaker 6 (25:13):
Yes, there's absolutely no way there was an earring in
my room.

Speaker 4 (25:16):
And if it was an earring of your wife's, you
would have tried to get it back or gotten it back.
So who were you at the hotel with having a
romantic time?

Speaker 2 (25:25):
Just tell us now it's time to come clean.

Speaker 9 (25:28):
No, no one, There was no one there and I
told them to throw the stuff out. It wasn't my stuff.

Speaker 3 (25:34):
Well, who were you. Who were you at the hotel.

Speaker 9 (25:38):
With no one? I was there by myself, Esmara.

Speaker 3 (25:42):
Did you believe your husband?

Speaker 15 (25:44):

Speaker 5 (25:45):
And there is a question I'd like to ask him
if that's okay?

Speaker 3 (25:47):

Speaker 5 (25:50):
Are you having an affair?

Speaker 9 (25:53):
Oh? Jeez? Is really? What is this really what you
think of me? I mean, I can't believe you would
go through all this and try to do this on
a radio show. Is this? Is this really what you
think I would do?

Speaker 2 (26:05):
That answer the question?

Speaker 9 (26:12):
No, No, Look I'm not I'm not James.

Speaker 4 (26:15):
I've been down this path before. The answer is no.
If it's no, if you have another answer, it's yes.
So we are going to leave it at that. You're
not clearing your name.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
No, you can hear.

Speaker 4 (26:31):
As roadie, you can hear his hesitation you need. I'm
gonna let you guys go. This is as far as we
can take it. Good luck to you, Thank you very much.
I mean, first of all, when he froze about the earring,
you can tell his wheels were turned trying to figure
out how to get out of it.

Speaker 2 (26:44):
Right. He was saying, how do you know what room?
How do you know? How do you know the room?

Speaker 3 (26:47):
That I was wondering what question was is Maurada going
to ask?

Speaker 1 (26:51):

Speaker 4 (26:52):
And she asked the best question of all, yep, are
you having an affair? And he couldn't answer. If you're
not having one, you say no. So we changed it
up because he the husband who, as Murdo was looking
to find out if he was cheating or not, went
to a romantic hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Sysney with
a perfect that was the perfect thing to say. She said, Hey,

I'm calling because somebody left an ear ring here. Now
you could hear his organs drop right, his heart sink
when you said there's an ear ring left at the hotel.
He just froze. He actually didn't say anything. And then
he's like, no, no, no, don't worry about it. You just
keep it, throw it away. I mean he went into
a panic. At that point I knew he was. It

was like he was caught. He was guilty.

Speaker 7 (27:34):
Yes, if somebody called me and said you left, let's
say your glasses or something, and I know I don't
wear glasses, I would just be like, you got the
wrong person, wrong room.

Speaker 4 (27:43):
Sorry, it's very throw them away. No, unless you're covering
your tracks correct, Yes, And so I didn't even need
to hear more after that point, because remember, he was
supposed to be in a downtown Phoenix hotel, but instead
he was in a Scottsdale, Arizona Love Hotel Romantic Hotel
M one eight hundred and five to one, one to

two seven at Kiss FM. And then as Maranda his
wife with the best question of all after he ran
around circles. She says, I have a question for you.
Are you cheating? And if you ask your spouse that
question and they're not, they say no. If you ask
your spouse that question and they say something else, the

answers we got a.

Speaker 2 (28:26):
Problem, or they hesitate or they stutter, it's a problem.

Speaker 4 (28:30):
So to me, there wasn't that much to explore hearing
the call when he didn't want to take the earrings
back for quote his wife, which we would assume they
were for Denise, good morning.

Speaker 16 (28:41):
Good morning, How are you? I'm good, how are you
doing well?

Speaker 3 (28:45):

Speaker 4 (28:46):
So you heard Ryan's roses? What do you think she
should do?

Speaker 3 (28:49):
Now? His wife has Marana okay.

Speaker 14 (28:52):
I have a list.

Speaker 16 (28:53):
So number one called the Hilton to see if they
were actually full that weekend.

Speaker 3 (28:59):
Uh huh.

Speaker 16 (29:00):
Number number two call that the Royal Palms hotel or
resort or whatever it was called, to see who he
was there with, if anyone, And then she should call
his boss and see if they have the freedom to
stay at whatever hotel they choose, because that would make
a difference obviously. And then, last, but not least, if

hubby won't talk, then she needs she needs hard evidence.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
And I mean, what was his name, James?

Speaker 4 (29:28):
So I'm with you, I I agree, but I just
think at this point he's he's definitely, he's just he's shady,
he's lying, he's not telling the truth. He's probably cheating.
So what does she do about the relationship now? And
that's that's the hard part.

Speaker 16 (29:43):
Yeah, I mean there's so many ways for us to
say that. Yeah, I mean, she could choose to go
to therapy, you know, and try to work it out,
but I mean, usually want to cheat. Her always a cheater,
so and he does sound sneaky and shady as hell,
So I don't know, maybe maybe it's time to move on.

Speaker 4 (29:58):
Well we are going to move on. We're going to
do it again on Thursday. Thank you very much Denise
for call and appreciate it. Every Monday Thursday. So Ryan's
Roses right here, Tanya, any of you definitely cheating.

Speaker 7 (30:12):
Like I said, if somebody's called and said I left
something at my hotel that clearly wasn't mine, I would
just say I.

Speaker 4 (30:19):
Think it's easy. Yeah, it's easy. There was a lot
of struggle in answering.

Speaker 8 (30:23):
I would never tell them to throw something away.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
On air with Ryan Seacres.

Speaker 3 (30:33):
I just want to tell you.

Speaker 4 (30:34):
I was reading something about if you like pandas at
the zoo, they're not going to be here.

Speaker 1 (30:39):

Speaker 3 (30:40):
All gone.

Speaker 4 (30:41):
I guess there was a deal with China to bring
them over to showcase them and because of the tension.
There's a rumor is because the tension between two countries,
they're taking the pandas back.

Speaker 3 (30:51):
Wow, So you won't see pantas at the zoo. Hardball, Okay,
I mean I read these things. I'm just just messing
during what I'm reading. So I didn't do anywhere.

Speaker 2 (31:00):
Recording on it seems petty.

Speaker 3 (31:03):
Well, I'm not getting involved.

Speaker 4 (31:05):
But they're taking the pandas back allegedly, so if you're
going to the zoo, you might not see that.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
You're not gonna see the pandas.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
We're going to keep our pandas okay.

Speaker 3 (31:17):
Putting a foot down.

Speaker 14 (31:18):

Speaker 3 (31:19):
So I love working on this show.

Speaker 8 (31:22):
And now your email was so cute, Like did we
not talk about that?

Speaker 2 (31:26):
We did not talk about that? That was very sweet,
so cute.

Speaker 3 (31:29):
What was the cute part about it?

Speaker 7 (31:30):
That it was unexpected, unexpected out of nowhere. So that
means you thought about us.

Speaker 6 (31:35):
Yeah, like you were like laying on your couch and
just like I'm gonna send a nice email.

Speaker 3 (31:39):
I just said, how much of a good job everybody's doing.

Speaker 6 (31:42):
I appreciation, but I like pictured you on your couch
just like Barefoot Really I pictured him in his car.

Speaker 3 (31:48):
Okay, Well, anyway, You're welcome and thank you.

Speaker 4 (31:52):
But I'm I like it like I love working at Kiss,
I love our jingle ball, I love our I heart
Ready music because I love it. Doesn't ever getting away
for you, Sysney is ever getting away?

Speaker 13 (32:02):

Speaker 2 (32:02):
Are you kidding me on it?

Speaker 10 (32:03):
For you?

Speaker 8 (32:03):
What's getting the way mean?

Speaker 4 (32:05):
Exactly now, Marianna apparently from the back room, it's getting
in the way.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
She wants to separate the two.

Speaker 3 (32:13):
So what's the issue, Madiana?

Speaker 8 (32:14):
You're everywhere I go?

Speaker 1 (32:17):
What do you mean?

Speaker 15 (32:19):
So I went out to eat with my friend A
couple of days ago, and the restaurant that I went
to had pictures of the people that have visited the restaurant,
and I'm looking at the wall, you know, ushers there
and Lil Yachti's right there. And then I look down
and guess, so I see Ryan.

Speaker 4 (32:38):
Well, I told you about that dinner, little YACHTI nusher surprised. Yes,
you don't realize that three of us roll together every
once in a while to eat.

Speaker 2 (32:46):
Clearly, that's so funny.

Speaker 15 (32:50):
Yeah, it was so funny. I had to take a
picture of it, like, well you are.

Speaker 2 (32:54):
Uh oh, yeah, there you are.

Speaker 4 (32:57):
If you feel like you can't escape, then but you
can also go to another restaurant.

Speaker 11 (33:02):

Speaker 15 (33:02):
But then I actually saw you at some chutro spa
in Anaheim.

Speaker 3 (33:07):
Also, where was that.

Speaker 15 (33:10):
You were on a sticker at the Turo truck had
the on air with Ryan seacresticker and that was actually
on a date there, So I could have made a
big deal.

Speaker 4 (33:19):
But I'm not saying I don't know where you're going
first to plant my image, But it is possible that
I just try and find out where all you guys
are going to go, so you feel like it's ubiquity.

Speaker 3 (33:30):
But yeah, I think you know.

Speaker 4 (33:32):
My goal, Meriona is to be completely oversaturated, So I
don't know if you know that, but that was like
my whole thing was to like, I just want to
be oversaturated. If I haven't gotten to oversaturation? Who am
I right? Elbo and Anaheim shout out to you guys. Yes,
And while we're at it, Usher Loyati, let's go again.

Speaker 15 (33:53):
Yes in the sushi place that was the Prince Street
Pizza in West Holly.

Speaker 3 (34:00):
What we had Sushi wants to.

Speaker 1 (34:04):
On air with Ryan.

Speaker 3 (34:08):
Jake on the line. Jake, you're calling about your coworker
wanting something.

Speaker 10 (34:12):
I am, Yeah, thanks Ryan. So I have a kind
of problem at work here. One of my managers are
our team managers left and uh. I have a coworker
who wants to apply for the position but I consider
a friend and he asked me to put in a
recommendation for him, but I'm just kind of hesitant to.
I don't think he's great for the job and the

team and from going from a coworker to a to
a manager for us, and I'm not really sure how
to approach it with a co worker, you know, do
I do? I flat out say I won't do it
do I push it off? I don't know.

Speaker 4 (34:44):
Uh, So you're worried about your credibility with management if
you endorse somebody you don't think it's good for the gig.

Speaker 10 (34:50):
Correct. Also, I think that people on the team, you
know his work is. I mean, he's a great friend.
We get along great at our current levels, but there's
just like a huge gap between our our job and
the management job. And I think other teammates would be
miserable if I don't want to put my friend down.

Speaker 4 (35:06):
It's not oh yeah, I mean in a way, it's
like you need to write a letter recommendation but you
don't really, but you have. It's a close friend of
yours that wants it, but you're not so sure they're
right for the gig. It's a challenging one, so challenging.
So how close are you to this co worker outside
of work?

Speaker 10 (35:25):
So we're when we do a happy hour together once
in a while, we'll we'll hang on on the weekend.
You know, I would say we're pretty close when it
comes to co work.

Speaker 4 (35:35):
But let me ask you also this. When he says
put in a good word, how's he going to know
if you put in the word or not well.

Speaker 10 (35:41):
I mean, I don't know if he will. But the
problem is I don't want to lie and say that
I wrote a letter of recommendation and didn't. And he's
been kind of following up with me absoluately. You know,
did you say anything yet if you go to the
word for us, So I'm kind of running out of
time ground with to say, well.

Speaker 4 (35:57):
You can't lie and say you did write the letter.
So to me, this is one of those situations where
you hope the person has the character, it's going to
respect the honesty, and you got to be honest with them.
But choose your way of delivering the message. Choose your
way with some some what's the word I'm thinking finesse

in delivering the message.

Speaker 10 (36:22):
Yeah, and our old boss has like twenty years of
experience and we have about between five and seven separately.
So it's stuff to get it.

Speaker 4 (36:29):
Stuff like hey, hey, colleague one, have you thought about
you know, in that role?

Speaker 3 (36:33):
Have you thought about this? Have you thought about that?

Speaker 4 (36:35):
To me, there's you know a lot of there's a
gap in between what we're doing and what that is.
And I just think that, you know, maybe it's best
there's more experience for you for that role. That's my view,
and I just want to be honest with you because
we need to work great together.

Speaker 2 (36:48):
I want us to be the best. It's a version
of that in my mind.

Speaker 6 (36:51):
Yeah, And you don't want almost like not something along
the lines like you wouldn't want to get into this
position and then fail, like maybe you need a little
bit more year of experience and then be ready in
two three years.

Speaker 10 (37:04):
Right on the head.

Speaker 3 (37:09):
So sad, it's worked.

Speaker 2 (37:10):
It's reality.

Speaker 4 (37:11):
It's reality. Yeah, but a lie or truth not a lie.

Speaker 7 (37:15):
But I mean you must have some if this person,
if you like, if this person's your friend, they must
have some good qualities, like maybe highlight those qualities.

Speaker 6 (37:21):
But yeah, but then it's but then it's his reputations,
Jake's reputation on the line.

Speaker 10 (37:27):
Right, But sometimes there are good qualities, aren't, you know,
bring or right or or uh ground mistakes things like that.
So it's a great person be around. But yeah, I'm
just kind of wrestling with it, and I just figured
i'd see it.

Speaker 1 (37:41):

Speaker 4 (37:42):
Well, first of all, the fact that you considered us
for that kind of thing to talk about, thank you.

Speaker 3 (37:46):
I appreciate that.

Speaker 4 (37:47):
That's just nice of you to consider us for advice.
So all right, bro, good luck with everything. All right,
Directness and honesty in the situation at work, it's what's
got to be right.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
It's what's got to.

Speaker 1 (37:59):
Be On air On air with Ryan Seacret Erica, good morning,
how are you?

Speaker 14 (38:08):
Good morning?

Speaker 6 (38:09):

Speaker 10 (38:09):
How are you doing well?

Speaker 3 (38:12):
So all right, you're called about your boyfriend. How can
we help?

Speaker 14 (38:15):
Yes, So, I've been with my boyfriend for a little
while now, and in the beginning it didn't seem as bad,
but I think as time has gone on, I've noticed
a little bit more about his mom. So every time
I go over to his house, you know, let's say,
were like being affectionate, we're cuddling, watching a movie, or

he gives me like a kiss, his mom will if
his mom is there and she sees it, she'll say
things like, oh, where's my kiss? Or oh, I want
to watch the movie, and she'll try and sit down
and just kind of interrupt when we're together. So it's
just really weird and I don't know how So.

Speaker 4 (38:58):
She really likes you, though, Okay, she wants to hang out.
That's a good.

Speaker 5 (39:01):
News, right, Oh, she wants staying out with me?

Speaker 14 (39:08):
So yeah, but She's not rude to me necessarily, but
it's just those comments that she makes and I can
tell that she just wants to butt in on what's happening.

Speaker 4 (39:20):
Okay, well, this is for me a job for your
boyfriend to have a conversation with his mom about the
fact that she does not need to be there to
watch Little Mermaid with you guys. Mm hmmm, right, other
way you can't do it. It's not it's just uncomfortable.
And frankly, it's not your role that to tell his
mom to not hang out with you guys, but you

need to say And how does he not know what
he does? He like it?

Speaker 14 (39:45):
Yeah, I think he doesn't think that it's I think
he doesn't think it's weird because well, he's an only
child so explains a lot. So she's very involved with
him in his life. And I think he just doesn't
see the way that I see it. He's just like,
oh my mom wants to come and like hang out
with me, or oh my mom wants to be involved

like with what I'm doing. So I think he thinks
that it's just coming from a good place. But I
don't think he sees how it makes me feel. And
I just obviously I don't know. I don't want to
tell the mom, but I just don't know how to
bring it up to him without making him, you know,
feel like a certain way about it.

Speaker 4 (40:24):
Sometimes I'm just thinking back sometimes at first, if I
was trying to impress somebody, I would invite my mom
because I wanted them to see my relationship with my mom.

Speaker 6 (40:33):
I remember this, right, It's cute for a minute, but
like not when she's sitting in between you guys trying
to netflix and chill.

Speaker 2 (40:40):
Well, we did watch Dancing with the Wolves with her
between us. How did that go?

Speaker 4 (40:46):
It's long, but he did so I think this is
a role for him. He needs to handle it. You
need to tell him, be honest, and let's move on.

Speaker 6 (40:54):
I don't know it's going to come back around to
bite you. I think because the mom, the mom's going
to find out, and it's going to be a slippery slope.

Speaker 4 (41:02):
Then there's only on one other choice. Let the mom join,
and it's not a party of three and dancing with
three hours.

Speaker 6 (41:09):
Because look, then if you end up getting married, she's
gonna be wanting part of the planning. And then when
you have a baby, she's gonna be all involved.

Speaker 2 (41:15):
It's just like just dating. Siciny, I don't know everyone
wants to.

Speaker 8 (41:20):
The marriage, so you have to just think it's just
about you.

Speaker 4 (41:25):
Just accept the mom, Erica, this is why maybe you
don't call our show. I don't know if we're helping
you or not, but good luck. We wish you the best.

Speaker 14 (41:36):
Okay, thank you.

Speaker 6 (41:39):
I would just accept the mom and start smothering the
boyfriend more in front of.

Speaker 2 (41:42):
The mom, and then the mom's gonna be get uncomfortable. Yeah,
just be all over.

Speaker 6 (41:45):
The boyfriend like cause he can see all over him.
In the moment, we're like, okay, I'm gonna go now.

Speaker 3 (41:49):
I don't think this mom will well. Friends, family, and tubs.
We are done today.

Speaker 4 (41:57):
Uh, let's get to what you've been very quiet over there,
Engineer Jeffrey Tubbs.

Speaker 10 (42:03):

Speaker 3 (42:04):
I mean if you need to need me to say something, no, no,
I don't am out. We're done.

Speaker 4 (42:08):
We're done for today, but maybe tomorrow. All right, Marow,
we got a full show to just sounds good. Anything
else not for now? All right, we're good for now.

Speaker 3 (42:13):
I think I have us.

Speaker 2 (42:14):
Spoke when spoken to type of situations.

Speaker 4 (42:16):
Or when not having his brunch depends if he's having
his omelet or not have a good one.

Speaker 2 (42:21):
Thanks for listening to On Air with Ryan Seacrest. Make
sure to subscribe and we'll talk to you again tomorrow.
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On Purpose with Jay Shetty

I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace. I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace

Crime Stories with Nancy Grace

Nancy Grace dives deep into the day’s most shocking crimes and asks the tough questions in her new daily podcast – Crime Stories with Nancy Grace. Nancy Grace had a perfect conviction record during her decade as a prosecutor and used her TV show to find missing people, fugitives on the run and unseen clues. Now, she will use the power of her huge social media following and the immediacy of the internet to deliver daily bombshells! Theme Music: Audio Network

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

Ding dong! Join your culture consultants, Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang, on an unforgettable journey into the beating heart of CULTURE. Alongside sizzling special guests, they GET INTO the hottest pop-culture moments of the day and the formative cultural experiences that turned them into Culturistas. Produced by the Big Money Players Network and iHeartRadio.

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